Find Policy developed as a side-project of Transparify, as we looked for ways in which we can make useful resources available. Currently, Find Policy is undergoing an upgrade. Here are the people that initially contributed to Find Policy. Want to help? Get in touch via Twitter.

Hans Gutbrod set up Find Policy, as a side project of Transparify. He is interested in helping accelerate good policy. Hans ran a research organization in the Caucasus for many years, where he oversaw 100+ research projects to track social, economic and political developments for the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the European Union, NDI, NORC, USAID, the World Bank and 20+ other organizations. Results from research projects he worked on have been published in many major media outlets, including the Economist and BBC. Hans has also worked with think tanks and researchers in Latin & North America, Africa and Asia, and regularly contributes to the On Think Tanks blog. Hans holds a PhD in International Relations from the London School of Economics. He is on Twitter.


Kristie Evenson provides input on Central and Southeast Europe search engine development, and general selection methodology. She works as a practitioner on development of policy research organizational capacities with a variety of donors and as a researcher is particularly interested in developing and using policy research to inform donor democratization strategies and interventions. Kristie previously worked with Freedom House, EWI, and Eurasia Group amongst others. She holds a Ph.D. in Policy Studies from the University of Bristol, a Master’s Degree from SIPA, Columbia University and a B.A. from Macalester College. Kristie can be reached via email and LinkedIn.


Nana Papiashvili undertakes research on the think tanks, and contributes to outreach. In preparation for this project Nana did background research on 130 organizations from across the world. Nana has worked at the Caucasus Research Resource Centers as a Project and Outreach Coordinator for more than five years, where she participated in 50+ research projects, and worked together with organizations and think tanks from many countries. She holds a Masters degree in International Relations from the Central European University, Budapest, and lives in Batumi, Georgia, by the Black Sea.


Vazha Burduli contributes research and ensures the search engines run smoothly. Recently, Vazha has analyzed 70+ organizations and think tanks, with a specific focus on budgetary transparency. He brings extensive experience in translating and adapting legal, technical scholarly and business texts, working in a variety of roles with and for Transparency International, OSCE, Ministerial Archives, the Public Defender's Office, the Caucasus Research Resource Centers and other institutions. Vazha obtained a diploma in law and holds a BA in American Studies, as well as a teaching certificate, from the International Black Sea University. He lives in Tbilisi, Georgia. 

Input and advice from Patrick Gilroy (usability, structure), Thomas Legge (climate change & environment), Jennifer Lappin (usability, methodology, search), Timmo Strohm (IT & search), Richard Lax (EU & transport policy), Leslie Hough (usability, search), William Dunbar (usability, UK & search), Marlen Heide (accountability), Alexandra Vasileva (Russia), Tamar Zurabishvili (migration), Arpine Porsughyan (Australia), Gobie Rajalingam (Australia), Maggie Osdoby Katz (usability, expert search), Tiko Ambroladze (Sweden), Kayle Hatt (Canada), and others. We are part of the On Think Tanks Labs, a collection of innovative ventures in policy research. For more on think tank transparency, check Transparify

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