My topic is not yet represented. What can you do? Let us know! We understand search, and we understand policy research organizations. We can make this tool work for you, too. Ping us on Twitter

Do you list results from all research organizations? At this point our search is focused on widely recognized research organizations. If you want to cast your net more broadly, the classical Google engine is the best way for you to go. 

What system do you use to select think tanks? We select institutions that are widely recognized for their quality research, to give you the best search results. Read more on how we focus here

Why do you leave the advertising? Someday it may pay the website costs. More importantly, it's interesting who is paying for advertising in  response to your query. 

Is the tool perfect? Nope. We think it is a good start, but do let us know what we could improve. We will see what we can do. 

Shouldn't there be a "Google Policy", to complement "Google Scholar"? Probably yes, but there isn't. For now we think well-targeted customized Google search pages are the next best free thing.

What is your agenda? Good policy research can improve lives. We (see the team here) want to make policy research even better, by accelerating the spread of good ideas. 

How are you funded? We are not. We do other consulting work in policy research. We built Find Policy for ourselves as a side project of Transparify and as a venture of the On Think Tanks Labs. and now decided to make it available. We hope to illustrate that useful research solutions do not need to cost much.

Where are you based? Close to the Internet. If you are interested in meeting up to discuss this project or policy research, let us know. 

Can you customize a search page for us? Yes. Contact us here.

I have a question that is not answered. What do I do? Write to us. During the workweek we typically get back to you within 24 hours. Contact us here

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